Remove A Word From the Product Title in Bulk

imagine you have 400+ products and you want to remove a word from every product title this will take you hours and a lot of energy this is why i will show you today how to remove a word from a product title in bulk with a simple trick follow my instructions :

i will remove all word “print” on all title on this example

1- Go to the online store > Theme >Edit Code

change menu on shopfiy store

2- sections > search for product-item.liquid or main-product.liquid depends on your theme

if have dawn so this is a file i will make edits to it :

dawn theme on shopify
3 – find this tag <h1>{{ product.title | escape }}</h1> and change it to this

{{ product.title | replace: “Print”, “” | escape }}

change title on dawn theme for Shopify store
and click save

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